Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This.....is comedy!

Went to the Hi Tone to see Neil Hamburger this past week...for those who may ask "Who the hell is that?!?!" , I will tell you he is an anti-comedian of sorts. He's been around for years and has gained the fandom of a lot of people I like and admire, not the least of which being Mike Patton (whose label he has recorded for) and Tim & Eric (whose show he has been on several times). However, the true find of my night was a way bizarre act called Pleaseeasaur. It consisted of a guy on stage with a video screen and an assload of corny costumes. The whole bit was mini-music videos on the screen with dude singing along and interacting with the onscreen action. Behold his song about, well, being rad:

The show was very cool and I found myself doubled over on the song about strangers and their van full of candy. AND i got to say "Egg-zactly" to Neil (it was his infamous line on a recent episode of T&E)...check out Pleaseeasaur on Wikipedia and www.pleaseeasaur.com )

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